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Lessons learned from Management Strategy Evaluation in BC’s fisheries
Management strategy evaluation for ecosystem-based fisheries management
PSC Seminar Series #4: Management Strategy Evaluation of Pacific Salmon
EAFM Summer Flounder Management Strategy Evaluation MSE
IMBeR IMBIZO 5 - André Punt Keynote address for the Management Strategy Evaluation Workshop
Challenges that will keep your harvest strategy research out of the real world
05 AFAM Step 4 Harvest Control Rules
Fish 501 - #19 Evaluating uncertainty: Monte Carlo and Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE)
Webinar: Taking Stock - Harvest Strategies at the tRFMOs
Carl Waters | Adaptive Management
FM Lecture 24 - Pond Strategies (part 2)
IOF Quantitive Seminar: Role of marine mammal predation in recent B.C. fishery collapses